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The Immram is a deeply effective spiritual technique, analogous to Shamanic journeying and Kabalistic pathworking. What makes this Journey different from a guided meditation is that it is specifically keyed to allow the seeker to gain access to an established archetypal realm. As a spiritual mechanism, the Immram can be used as a means to reclaim and reactivate the spiritual essence of ancient Avalon, as well as a method of understanding the inner terrain in order to bring ourselves to wholeness.
The Immram takes us in journey across the waters of the personal unconscious until we pass over the last vestige of what is conscious—analogous to the Celtic concept of the Ninth Wave that marks the boundary between what is known and what is unknown. Only then can we enter into the transpersonal realm of the collective unconscious.
Undertaking the wonder voyage provides access to several categories of information about the archetypal realm to which we are journeying. These are:
outer knowledge: A generalized corpus of information about the archetypal realm that any seeker may obtain. This is universal knowledge and can include the physical description of the place, its history, and traditional lore, as well as its cultural and spiritual importance.
outer wisdom: Through the Immram, moving from mental comprehension to actualized implementation of insights we have received about a place. If the space to which we are voyaging was used for divination, for example, obtaining mastery of this skill will allow us to use this area of the archetypal landscape for its original purpose.
inner knowledge: Using the vibratory energetic of the realm to stimulate personal issues of like energy is a powerful tool for the Great Work. As like attracts like, voyaging to a space of predominantly earth-aligned energies, for example, will bring up issue work relating to the same element.
inner wisdom: Accomplishing the activation of a space in order to utilize it in obtaining one’s fullest potential. For example, harnessing the divinatory power of the Red Spring to illuminate situations in your own life that need expanded Sight. Not only can the Immram bring personal issues to light, it can also be a tool for soul growth by acting to effect lasting change in the whole person.
One of the islands in the Western Sea, the Isle of Avalon still exists as part of the collective unconscious, as it was in its height a Women’s Mystery school and temple to the Goddess. Even here, there are many archetypal layers that have been built into Avalon’s essence over millennia; these include Christian mythic overlays, the Arthurian legends, and the present-day New Age movement. We need to be sure, therefore, that we set our course for the Avalon to which we wish to arrive.
The Immrama presented in this book and the information given for each of the main sacred sites on Avalon are keyed to access a particular aspect of the Avalonian archetypal realm and to help ground you in the time period when Avalon was at its height as a temple and training center. As you journey, should you find yourself in a different time period, make note of what you see; the information will still be pertinent and will reconnect with the work presented here. It is not wrong to see any aspect of Avalon from different time periods, especially if you have been to Glastonbury physically in this life, or have a personal incarnational history with the site. Over time and with practice, you will become disciplined enough to consistently visit the Avalonian archetype with which you are most interested in working.
With all of these things in mind, what follows is the basic format for this Otherworld journey to Avalon. Initially, you will travel to the Holy Island to meet a priestess who has agreed to act as your guide in your growth and in all things Avalonian. She will be an important resource as you walk this path, and it is essential that you put in the time and effort necessary to build a good relationship with her.
The more you walk the archetypal landscape of Avalon, the better worn the energy channel you create and the more readily the door to the hidden realms will be opened to you. When you have done so, you can begin to explore the island further. As you journey, take note of the paths you have been shown, and upon your return, be sure to plot out a map of where your travels have taken you.
Exploring the archetypal landscape of Avalon should not dissuade you from making an actual pilgrimage to the physical plane vessel of the energies of the Holy Island. Rather, connecting with the essence of ancient Avalon through Immrama is sure to augment your experience of the sacred sites of Glastonbury should you choose to journey to her shores. If you have already made the voyage in the realm of the physical, the tools presented in this book will help you to maintain your connection with these places of power, no matter how distant you may be in space and through time.
The Immram will work best when you have firmly laid down the journey in the pathways of your inner self. Until such time, it is helpful to memorize or create a recording of the Immram. Do at least ten minutes of breathing, as described below, before beginning the journey, becoming calm, focused, and centered. Be sure you are in a comfortable position, with all of your limbs uncrossed to facilitate the free flow of energy. It is never a good idea to do your work in bed at the end of the night, as you will probably find yourself asleep before you can get any inner work done. Surrounding yourself with Avalonian energies and influences will be helpful for the Immram. See the Solitary Avalonian Ritual on p. 255 for more information on how to set up your space for inner work.
The Power Breath
The foundation of any energy work or spiritual discipline is breath. Rhythmic breathing especially acts to bring us in line with the cosmic tides, and opens the channels of our bodies to receive from the universe. Observing someone in deep sleep will reveal the way we are programmed by nature to breathe rhythmically automatically. This is part of our bodies’ cleansing process and the way we realign and reactivate our energy centers. Rhythmic breathing with intention during waking time ties us to that unconscious wisdom that takes over when we sleep. Opening our breath rocks our sacrum and our occiput—bones at the base of our spine and the base of our skull, respectively. This rocking helps circulate cerebrospinal fluid, keeping neural function at optimum and energy channels clear.
To find your breath, sit and clear your mind. Bring your attention to your breathing and keep it natural. Don’t get caught up in any stray thoughts that may come; acknowledge and release them. Return your focus to your breath. There are many perspectives about rhythmic breathing. Some sources recommend adapting a universal breathing pattern of a set number of counts in, a set count held, and a set count out, but it is equally empowering to find that rhythm specific to your own body. You may find a repetition of inhalation and exhalation to a count of three feels right to you, while someone else prefers a count of seven. You may prefer to breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth, while another sister only breathes through her mouth. It may take some experimentation and time to listen to what your body wants to do, but it is worth it to find this inherent pattern, called the Power Breath. When you have found it, keep with it and incorporate it into a daily practice, paying attention to how it makes your body feel and how it shifts your energy. Don’t be surprised if this process turns out to be difficult at first; persistence is key. In time, it will be easy to reach that Power Breath, and you will begin to feel its effects in your life.
Do your best to be as conscious of your breathing as you can throughout the day. At work, while driving, walking, or performing any activity, be mindful of your breath. Note how making the shift to rhythmic breath changes your perspective on any activity. Keep tuning yourself in to your rhythm. This will cleanse your energy centers all day long, keep you connected to your body, and keep your energy circulating. When you sit down to do your breathing work then, much of the struggle to overcome blockages will be lessened, and you will find it easier to “snap” to that space. As you integrate Power Breath into a daily discipline of meditation and journeying, you will find that the more adept you become at breathing, the easier the other work will b
e, because your breath has become a trigger for that empowered and clear space.
It is essential to come to any ritual or meditation work with as clear an energy field as possible. This fosters a strong connection to our higher self while opening us to be as receptive as possible to the wisdoms and insights we hope to obtain. This inner clarity helps us in our daily lives as well, allowing us to see things for what they are rather than through a screen of lower-self-generated illusion. Living from a clear center is a way to greater consciousness—the illuminated path that leads to self-actualization.
The Immram to Avalon
The Journey Begins
Find yourself in an ancient forest. It is night and the moon is full, though you can barely make out her outline through the thick overhang of the trees above you. There is enough ambient light for you to see that you stand on a once well-used path leading through the woods. Experience the feel of the space, the sounds of the night, and the desire to travel up the path through the dense trees. You feel very safe and supported. With each sure step on the path, feel your mundane worries and cares fall away and become absorbed into the earth. With every footfall, know that many women have walked this path before you, many now walk beside you, and many will come to walk it after you. Connect with this feeling of timelessness, and continue forward through the woods, noting everything you can about your surroundings.
As you continue, notice the woods are becoming thinner. There is moisture in the air and springiness underfoot. The path curves left. The trees give way to brush. The brush gives way to a clearing. Find yourself on the marshy shore of a dark, still lake. The moon is high and bright in the sky. Notice her reflection on the glassy surface of the water. Listen to the sounds of the lake and all the creatures that live in and around it. Cast your eyes over the water to the far shore. A wall of mist descends, hiding it from your sight before rolling in to surround you. Feel the moisture on your face; experience what it is like to be enveloped in the mist.
You become aware of something shining through the grayness, a glint of metal condensing the now–diffused moonlight. Hanging by a crimson ribbon from the overhanging limb of a gnarled and ancient tree, a branch bedecked with nine silver apples glows invitingly through the surrounding brume. Inspired, you remove the Silver Branch and discover that each of the hanging apples is a cleverly wrought bell of silver. Grasping what appears to be a handle, well polished and smoothed by the hands of many pilgrims, you succumb to the inexplicable urge to shake the branch. Three times you shake it, and three times the tinkling laughter of the bells echoes across the lake, becoming absorbed into dense mists. Returning the branch to its resting place, you note that the only reply to the bells is a deep and expectant silence.
After a time, you sense rather than hear the movement of a vessel across the water. Almost instantly, the prow of a small watercraft is visible to you as it comes to a halt on the shore in front of you. It is the Barge of Avalon. Three dark robed and hooded figures stand in the prow; one of them extends her hand to you. You take it and she helps you on board. You take the place that has been prepared for you as the hooded figures move to the far end of the Barge, the thick mists obscuring them from your sight. The boat begins to move, gliding effortlessly across the water. Again, you sense, rather than see, movement in the front of the Barge, barely detecting a hint of muted sound. As if by magic, the veil of mists is rent in two and the far and shining shore is clear and close before you. Breathe in all that is this wonder—the blessed Island of Avalon.
As quickly as this journey across the water began, it comes to an end, and the Barge scrapes lightly upon the hallowed shore. Looking to the hooded figures, they seem to nod assent, and you disembark, stepping for the first time on this sacred ground. Plant your feet firmly here, and feel the energy of place course through your feet and up your limbs, infusing your very being with its vitality.
You have come home, Sister.
Note: This is the point from which the other Immrama in this book proceed. When doing this working for the purpose of meeting your Avalonian guide for the first time, please continue below. Otherwise, continue with the journey to the landscape area as described in their corresponding chapters.
Meeting Your Guide
After a time, you feel drawn to move forward and walk away from the marshy shoreline in the direction of the slumbering rise of the distant Tor. You are engulfed by a sweet, heady scent and find yourself in a vast apple orchard in full springtime bloom. The white blossoms glow silver in the moonlight. They burst forth from each limb and litter the dark ground like stars in the night. Ancient trees surround you, wonderfully gnarled and twisted. Walk among them, feeling compelled to move forward, at last finding yourself in the center of the orchard, standing in front of the largest and most ancient tree on the whole of the island.
This is the Mother Tree of Avalon, whose roots are firmly anchored in the distant past of Avalon’s beginnings, and whose curving limbs reach out towards the unknowable future—some bearing delicate blossoms, others burgeoning with ripened fruit, and still others grasping for the sky with skeletal fingers, bare as bones. Her powerful trunk is thick and twisted with age yet more solidly strong than the most well- tempered steel. She is the vital heart of this most sacred grove—the Guardian of the Orchard and Keeper of Wisdom.
Approach the venerable being and extend your consciousness to honor the tree and introduce yourself. Give your name and speak your intention to learn the ways of the Goddess and Avalon. Explain that you are a student and seeker of wisdom, and ask in all humility for a guide to these shores … those within and without. When you are done, wait quietly and respectfully for a response. The Mother Tree begins to glow brightly, and a soft breeze rustles through her branches like a contented sigh. On the wake of the wind, one green leaf drifts down and lands on the ground in front of you. The moment it makes contact with the earth, it is engulfed in a blinding flash of light, and when your vision clears, you see a figure standing before you—your guide to the realms of Avalon.
Introduce yourself to your guide, and once more explain why you have come and what you wish to learn from walking the Avalonian path. Take as much time as you need to fill yourself with every detail you can about her appearance and her energy. Ask her for a name you can use to call her and for a symbol you can use to connect with her. Listen to her words. Receive the gift she holds for you. Ask how and where you can connect with her again.
This is the beginning of an important relationship, so take as much time as you need to make this first contact. Extend your hand to her and hold hers in your own. When you are done speaking with her, give her a gift in return and be sure to thank her graciously. Do not make this connection lightly. You are announcing your commitment to Avalon and to your growth. With knowledge comes responsibility.
After the Connection to Your Guide Has Been Made
When you are ready, bid your guide farewell. Thank the orchard and the Mother Tree for receiving you and facilitating your connection with your guide. Return the way you came, back to the lake’s marshy shores where the Barge awaits you. Turn towards the island one last time. Take in three deliberate breaths of its essence to take back with you. Bow in reverence and deep gratitude. When ready, take your place on the Barge.
Effortlessly again, you glide across the water. With magickal swiftness, you find yourself on the far shore once more. Again, disembark from the vessel. Thank the priestesses in the prow for seeing you safely to Avalon and back. As one, they incline their head to you, and the Barge departs, the curtain of mist again enshrouding it and the sacred lake. Find the path that led you here, and enter the woods once more, reaching at last the place where this journey began. Making this inner pilgrimage changes you, and each time it is undertaken, the pathway becomes clearer. Take three deep calming and centering breaths, and return to your space, remembering all you have seen and experienced.
As we can see, th
e Immram is a powerful tool. It is a means to reclaim and reactivate the spiritual essence of ancient Avalon and also a potent method of understanding our inner terrain in order to bring our selves to wholeness. In all of our travels, we must not lose sight of the purpose of our strivings. On the one hand, we must adapt a discipline and commit ourselves to clearing the landscape so that we may travel less encumbered by our own issues, illusions, and expectations. On the other hand, while we seek to remember what is on ancient Avalon and to reclaim her wisdom as a legacy for the women of tomorrow, we must also renew the lessons of Avalon in our own lives.
Personal Alchemy and the Avalonian Cycle of Healing
There is much to explore in the Avalonian landscape—many power places with which to work and sacred sites to see and reclaim. When we call to these ancient sites, kindred energies within us rise to meet them. When we sing the song of the sacred landscape, our inner notes peal forth in harmony, allowing us knowledge both of what is within and what is without.
Each sacred site is a portal into the shining realms of Avalon. Through them, we can access specific information about their ritual usage, their symbolic place in Avalonian cosmology, and their importance in the training and initiation of a priestess. Once this information is reclaimed, their wisdoms can be put to practical use, and we can step through the mists to walk the holy landscape of Avalon once more. We need not stand directly on the ground which once held the energies of these sacred sites; these are but contact points which anchor the essence of place to the physical plane.
This akashic, or mystical, resonance is accessible through the path that lies within. Once we can approximate the energetic signature of a place, we can access its archetypal symbolism and the Otherworld becomes opened to us. By journeying to the archetypal landscape of ancient Avalon though Immrama, we awaken its corresponding energies within ourselves. These akashic power points can then be used as practical tools for self-understanding and personal transformation.